Behaviour Change
Environment & Conservation
Behaviour change techniques to help you inspire and enable people to respect, protect and enjoy places managed for people and wildlife.
Behaviour Change is a psychology discipline which has become recognised as a powerful tool within the nature conservation sector. People are often deemed the problem for nature conservation, but by recognising and appreciating what people know, believe and value, we can help them become the solution to a richer environment.
We specialise in two behaviour change areas:
Social-ecological systems approach

Integrating a social-ecological systems approach to managing nature conservation sites with public access.
We offer:
Consultation to explore how a social-ecological systems approach will benefit your organisation and/or site(s).
Facilitation of stakeholder meetings to enable people to contribute their views and ideas.
Training for you and your team on how to integrate such an approach into your management and/or project planning process.
Behaviour change interventions

Using theories and models of behaviour change to develop effective strategies and interventions to positively influence people's behaviour in the countryside.
We offer:
Consultation to identify potential conflicts and opportunities between people and wildlife on your site, and design relevant, effective strategies and techniques to target one or multiple behaviours.
Facilitation of stakeholder meetings to enable people to contribute their views and ideas.
Training for you and your team, on relevant behaviour change techniques and how to use them effectively to design your own strategies and interventions.
What people say...
"Interesting, inspiring & engaging."
"The content & pace were pitched perfectly."
"Will definitely be booking on the next one."
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.”
Chief Seattle